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"He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil."
Leadership quality #14: The leader must not be a recent convert.
This one comes with a possible consequence if it is violated: If a new convert is put into a position of leadership, he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil.
This recent convert--literally, "neophyte"--needs to serve as soon as possible, but needs to become stronger and more mature in the faith before being put into a position of leadership.
The reason is that one of the dangerous hazards of leadership is the temptation of pride.
Pride can certainly seduce anyone at any level of spiritual growth, but it is especially dangerous to the spiritually immature. It can seduce your emotions and cloud your reason, and it can make you susceptible to the influence of unscrupulous people.
Pride was the devil's downfall, so he uses pride to seduce us.
By the way, being old doesn't make you mature. And being a Christian for a long time doesn't make you spiritually mature. You have to be consciously intentional and purposeful in your growth plan to become mature. And even then pride is still a seduction, but you'll be better prepared to recognize it and manage it.
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